Nashville Turnabout |
grid square | Diff: 0 | Kathy Anderson |
64 Bars | Progression |
A1 | Head couples forward and back, Heads R&L Thru with a “power turn” |
A2 | R&L Thru between the sets, also with a “power turn”; R&L Thru with a normal courtesy turn |
B1 | Side couples forward and back, Sides R&L Thru with a “power turn” |
B2 | R&L Thru between the sets, also with a “power turn”; R&L Thru with a normal courtesy turn |
C1 | Ladies star chain over and back |
C2 | Gents L-hand star once around, Swing partner |
D1 | Promenade 3/4 (so that heads and sides swap) |
D2 | LHT Corner, Swing partner |
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